© Harrow School Enterprises Ltd

Author: STM Developer

Phil and Cerise, of Blush & Base, were both originally from the UK but met in the hustle and bustle of the cosmopolitan city, Hong Kong where they were both working. They returned to the UK in Autumn 2016, settled in London and married that...

How to plan the perfect Christmas party, from Head of Commercial Events, Lauren Williamson How early is too early to organise your Christmas party? The answer to this question for us changes year on year. Given the uncertain months we have faced with Covid19, we believe a real emphasis will be made...

After finishing my History degree, I was unsure as to which career path I wanted to take. I completed work experience placements and internships in varied businesses however, I decided to progress with an apprenticeship as it provided the opportunity to receive one to one...

Visitors to the Hill will hear some unique terminology. While the origins of many of these words and phrases may have been lost in time, they remain a common language among those who have spent time at Harrow. A beak is a teacher, also known as...

Mock exam season has arrived and the results of these are more important than ever before. Not only are mock results relied on by some universities to offer places, but they give the students, their parents and teachers a clear indication of whether a child...

The Christmas break is over and I’m sure all feel well rested after a long winter term. Yet for those youngsters taking public exams this summer, they will be beginning to think about preparing themselves for their mocks and the importance of the next two...